PSN 2013
Pontiac Southern Nationals
The Dallas Area Pontiac Association continues to keep the Pontiac Southern Nationals fresh and different from other Pontiac events. This year we took “fresh and different” to a new level.
The Pontiac Southern Nationals 2013 was September 7th and 8th and it was Huge Success! Here are a few words from DAPA President John Dutton:
PSN Wrap Up
I would like to thank everyone who had a part in this year’s Pontiac Southern Nationals. That includes the sponsors, the planning committee, the volunteers, the folks and the Cavanaugh Flight Museum and especially YOU, the people who came out and brought a fantastic collection of Pontiacs. We had over 100 cars and they were absolutely incredible. Do not feel bad if you did not win an award (I didn’t either). The competition was incredibly tough and even if you did not win, you should know that your car was appreciated by dozens if not hundreds of people.
Our best of show winner this year was Ken Smith and his 1969 GTO Judge and the Lee Green award (DAPA’s choice) was given to Clifford Saxon and his 1972 Grand Prix SSJ Hurst Edition.
At the races on Sunday, it was a tough day for the Pontiacs. We had quite a few racers, but only a handful made it past the first round. Our big winner of the day was Joe Ed Boaz in his 1969 Firebird who came in 2nd place in the King Muscle class which runs 12.0 to 12.99 E.T.’s. Other top performers included Greg Scherer in his Gold 78 Trans Am. Greg was a first time racer and went several round in the Street Muscle Class which runs 14.0 to 15.50 E.T’s. Ted Fox also did well in the Street Muscle Class in his 2002 Trans Am. Finally, the Aubrey Parker Award went to Rick Pate in his 1969 GTO. The Aubrey Parker award was given for the best overall run of the day. Rick made a pass with a combined finish margin of 0.050 seconds. His reaction time and his time off of his dial in together were only 5/100 of a second. That is a near perfect run!
The photos from the show and race have been posted on the internet. Be sure to check them out by Clicking Here.
The members of the Dallas Area Pontiac Association hope you enjoyed this year’s PSN as much as we did. Make plans to attend next year as we build on the success. Finally, don’t forget our sponsors as you make buying decisions. They chose to sponsor the event because they love Pontiacs as much as we do!

The PSN 2013 – Proudly Sponsored by: