Pontiac Southern Nationals
June 9 & 10, 2012
The Pontiac Southern Nationals has been an all Pontiac 2 day event, with a car show on Saturday and a race day at the drag strip on Sunday, for many years. This year it changed.
In 2012, we had an All Pontiac car show on Saturday, as usual for the PSN. However, on Sunday the race day event at the Texas Motorplex was open to all makes of American cars. This was the American Southern Nationals. The racers in our group wanted to beat up on some cars other than Pontiacs.
Additionally, the ASN had a car show open to all makes of American cars at the Texas Motorplex on Sunday. Pontiac owners wanted to compete with other makes on the show field as well as the track.
Here is an overhead view of the Pontiac Southern Nationals show field. Click on photo for larger view.

Event Details:
Saturday, June 9th, 8:00am – 3:00pm,

the All Pontiac Car Show was held on the
Plaza on the south side of the host hotel:
The Renaissance Dallas Richardson Hotel
900 E. Lookout Drive · Richardson, Texas 75082
(East side of Central Expwy/US75, just North of Campbell Rd)
- Judged Event
- 20+ Show Classes
- Multiple Awards for each class

Sunday, June 10th, Gates Open at 8:30am
The Drag Race Event will be held at the
in conjunction with the American Southern Nationals
- Quarter Mile Track
- 5 Racing Classes
- Trophies and Cash Awarded
Note – NHRA/Track Rules:
Drivers with cars that run an ET of 13.99 or faster, will require an approved Helmet
The Pontiac Southern Nationals event benefited the American Cancer Society.
Note: There was also a Car Show on Sunday, June 10th at the Texas Motorplex opened to all American make cars. Click here for the details on the ASN Car Show

The PSN 2012 flyer can be printed or saved to your PC here:
Pontiac Southern Nationals 2012 Flyer PDF
The PSN is Proudly Sponsored by:


Thank You,
The Dallas Area Pontiac Association

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